
Showing posts from October, 2020

Moral Mortal Stump Us!

Moral Mortal October 2, 2020 This is where Moral Mortal will publicize our humiliating defeat when we cannot answer if something is true or not!  With so much false information online these days, most of the time, people are passing on lies because they believe them to be true.  Here are a few examples of what we have found so far.  There was a report about mail in ballots being tossed out. Turned out to be a manipulation of an actual news report from long before...and not true! When Justice Ruth Ginsburg died, the news reports claimed she was the first woman to be honored at the US Capitol... "Ruth Bader Ginsburg to be first woman to lie in state at Capitol and will lie in repose at Supreme Court"  CNBC That honor was Rosa Parks... There was this back in March "False claim: Obama’s daughter arrested" Reuters Shared over 1,400 times as of March 11, 2020, a post (here) on a page called "Freedom of Thought" says, "Malia Obama Arrested Again, Complete